Today, here is a headline that the Gujarat High Court fines Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. As you all know many times Delhi Chief Minister asked questions in the parliament about the educational background of Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi. There is a lot of controversy on the Internet over this topic and some people are in the favour of PM Modi while some support Arvind Kejriwal for the same. Let’s explore every detail briefly and get the latest information through this news article.
As per the information, Gujarat high court fined Delhi CM Rs 25,000 for asking for the details of PM Modi’s educational qualifications. Now it is getting attention on social media among AAP supporters. There is no doubt political party AAP is a great opposition to BJP in Delhi and Arvind Kejriwal came into power after defeating another great political party Indian National Congress in the year 2013.
Gujarat High Court Fines CM Arvind Kejriwal
On Friday, March 31, 2023, the court said the information about PM Modi’s degree is not needed. After the news, BJP supporters came in the favour of this decision by the Gujarat High Court. People have noticed that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal asked the same question many times and trolled PM Modi on Twitter. This time he tweeted the same thing and as an answer to the tweet court fined Rs 25,000 to Arvind Kejriwal.
Now you have also the same question what is the educational qualification of prime minister Narender Modi? The Gujarat University challenged the order before the High Court. We want to tell you that PM Modi completed his graduation from Gujarat University in the year 1978 and completed his master’s from Delhi University in the year 1983.
However, PM Narender Modi is one of the top political leaders around the world. He has good relations with other political personalities like Vladimir Putin etc. Also, people believe PM Modi is a strong reason behind the current growth of the Indian economy. We are also curious to know your opinion on the same. Please share what is your point of view on this topic. Read more latest business news here and bookmark us for future.