Manoj Jarange Patil ended his strike after the Maharashtrian government completed his demands on Saturday. The Maharashtrian activist demanded Maratha reservation to end his hunger strike. He sat on a hunger strike on 19 January and declared the end of his strike on Saturday. He said that their strike was over and he would drink the juice from the CM’s hands. Manoj and CM garland the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s statue in Navi Mumbai together. CM Ek Nath Shinde accepted his demands, and Manoj ended his fast.
Manoj Jarange Patil is a Maharashtrian activist. He belongs to Shahgad, Jalna living with his wife. Manoj decided to work on the rights of the Marathas in government jobs and education. He has contributed more than a decade in the fighting for the right. The fight for the Maratha community reservation has been going on for a long time. He is closely related to this emotion.
Manoj started forming the foundation of his aim by creating a Maratha reservation outfit for protest. Manoj had around four acres of land. He sold around 2.5 acres of land for organizing protests. He gets his rights back for the Maratha community. The CM accepted his demands and released free education for Marathas until reservation got into action.
Maratha Activist Manoj Jarange Patil went on strike on 19 January for providing reservations to Maratha. He gets support from many people during his journey. Maratha community has 33% of the Maharashtra’s population. It includes a wide range of castes. Some are landowners and others are peasants. Therefore, it is important to have a reservation for them.
The protest for the reservation is not only a matter of today. It has been going on for a long time. In 1982, Annasaheb Patil stood for the rights of the Marathas. They demanded a reservation for the community. However, the basis for providing reservation changed to the caste system. Many communities like Maraha Kunbis and Kunbi Maratha get into the OBC category. However, the Marathas were not included in it. After some struggles, they recently got a reservation for education and jobs.
The Marathas won 16% reservation in education and jobs. However, the Bombay High Court revised it to 13% and 12% for jobs and education respectively. However, the Supreme Court made further decisions after which the Marathas lost these reservations again. The state can not put more than 50% of the seats in reservation. Patil brought the reservation for the community back.