Two friends, Sal Aiello and Monica Powers have created an app that made them Rs. 1.2 crores. The news is getting popular as they both started with a mere investment of Rs. 15000. They created the DimeADozen app that will analyze your business idea and its potential using Chat GPT. This article will share details about the successful journey of these two friends. So if you want to know how a 15k business was sold to Rs. 1.2 crores, keep reading for more information.
DimeADozen Founders Salvatore Aiello and Monica Powers
The app was founded by Salvatore Aiello and Monica Powers.
Salvatore Aiello: He belongs to an engineering background and started DimeADozen 8 months ago. He was working on another idea with a business partner, Clever Health. He is the co-founder and CTO of the company. Salvatore Aiello also has another business by the name, Quick Game World which has been running successfully for the last 3 years. Salvatore Aiello has worked on Clever RX and Doubles Dates which was his first business. He currently lives in Arizona, United States.
Monica Powers: She specializes in AI, Finance, and education. She has worked for several new startups and taken them to a height. ClassDojo was also built up under her guidance. Monica Powers helped DimeADozen as a co-founder and also with AI work. She is extremely dedicated and passionate about her work. She has gathered years of experience in business growth which made her a good co-founder of the company.
Success Journey Of DimeADozen App:
The DimeADozen app has been built to help the business create detailed reports. If you enter any idea or your business idea in the application, it will create a proper report that will mention the exact requirements of the business. The app was created using Chat GPT. There was an initial investment of a mere 15000. This was later purchased by another business. The best thing is that the app has helped many businesses change their way of working and achieve success.
The founders were creative enough to understand the gap in the market and the opportunities available. They have been an inspiration for many businesses. Both the co-founders have good experience and background related to the startup which also plays an important role in the success. Chat GPT is being used in so many creative ways which is an achievement in itself. The paid versions of Chat GPT is able to create such an application which is fully functional by just entering the right prompt.