Motisons Jewellers recently entered the IPO market. Everyone is curiously looking for more details about Motisons Jewellers Q3 results 2024. The company posted its annual reports on its website. The company has shown a growth in its performance. The overall Yearly reports show an increase in net profit to 6.06% in March 2023 compared to 4.6% in March 2022. The trade receivables also have a decrease. Let us explore more about Motisons Jewellers’ upcoming quarterly results.
Motisons Jewellers Q3 Results 2024 Earnings, Net Profits, Sales Report, YoY Growth
Motisons Jewellers has recently been listed on the share market. Every company must share its quarterly results as a listed public company. We will share details about its annual reports below. However, the company might start publishing its quarterly results from Q4. Most probably, the notification for Motisons Jewellers Q3 results 2024 has been released.
The company’s annual results in ratio format are available on its official website. We have discussed below the Q1 2024 results of the company from March 2023 to June 2023. The current ratio for assets and liabilities is 1.84. It’s the same for the previous quarter as well. Motions has maintained its assets and liabilities with no further increment from March 2023 to June 2023. There is a little fall in the debt-equity ratio to 1.16. The return on equity ratio is 3.91% compared to 17.56% in Q4 2022. It’s a massive fall.
There is also a decrease in Trade Receivables to 67.10 compared to 232.54 in the last quarter. The company has a trade payables turnover ratio of 4.35 compared to 18.25 in the previous quarter. The net profit ratio is 6.32%. It’s a slight increase from 6.06% for the last quarter.
The company expects to have a profitable quarter. It’s YoY also has an increase in net profits. On the other hand, its QoQ basis is also upward. The chances are high for the company to be profitable for the quarter as well. The shares are also available on the market. It has an overall decline in its value by 5.21%. However, Friday shows an increase of 4.97% in its shares. It recovered the whole in a single day. It’s going completely straight and stable after reaching 98.15 at 10:35 am. We hope you get enough details about Motisons Jewellers Q3 results 2024 updates in the article above.